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I’ve dared to cast myself adrift and live without a mobile phone!

When I started this self-imposed year long challenge I very much felt like the tiny Yorkshire terrier in the photo and yet now I feel more like the horse. The initial thought of living without a mobile phone was scary and left me feeling rather precarious and yet now I’m feeling more self-assured and much calmer. I’m discovering ‘MY Pace’ in this break-neck speed digital age during this social experiment and I am feeling more connected.

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Book and eBook Published on 17th May, 2019

‘Off the Hook’ is an open and honest account of how Karen navigated her new lifestyle choice of living without a mobile phone for a year. She shares the pitfalls and findings and passes on the tips to help you discover the delight in connecting with close friends, family and people in a straight-forward, old fashioned way - without filters, without the ambiguities of text or messages that disappear within seconds.