Off the Hook
by Karen Kestrel
As an advocate for real communication I have chosen to live my life without a mobile phone for a year. In this book, I share my experiences and findings and pass on the tips to help you discover the delight in connecting with close friends, family and people in a straight-forward, old fashioned way - without filters, without the ambiguities of text or messages that disappear within seconds.
In the last two years, I have suffered with debilitating bouts of dizziness. I needed to find a way to exist in this uber-busy digital world without personal fallout like this. So, the idea of giving up using my mobile came to me last December for this simple reason - I realised it had to go so I could explore a way forward in this hectic world. I am acutely aware of mental health issues and as a mother of two teenage sons I am passionate about helping others find a balance in their lives - it's all about thriving, not striving - staying in the moment without constant distractions.
Foreword by Claudia Carroll
How much do I adore the life force that is Karen Kestrel? They say friends come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. All I can say to that is I know in my bones that Karen is a forever friend. Anyone who’s ever met this extraordinary lady can testify to her vibrancy, her boundless energy and the astonishing ‘can do’ positivity that radiates from Karen’s every pore. It’s extraordinary. You know when you meet up with someone, and afterwards, you just want to punch the air? Yup. That’s the Kestrel Effect in action.
If Karen told me she was going to climb K2 on Mount Everest, I’d believe her. If Karen said she was going to learn Mandarin in six months, I’d know she wasn’t kidding. If Karen told me she was going to sort out Brexit, my money would be on her every single time. Obstacles that would defeat lesser mortals like me, to Karen are mere hurdles to be overcome. And overcome them she does, with the grade of an Olympic athlete in action.
So when she took on the self-imposed challenge of going mobile free for an entire year, I knew if anyone could make it work, Karen could and would. Because being mobile free is both her mission statement and her passion project. What can I say? I have loved and adored reading Karen’s stories from the coalface about a life as a 21st century busy working professional and Mum to two teenagers - and all without a mobile phone. I loved the humour, the sharp observations and the warmth and compassion that shone through on every page. To this day, I don’t know how she managed it - and yet she did, with growing confidence and unwavering belief in her ultimate goal - to live in heart and bring real, true equipoise to this world.
Karen, my dear friend, this world needs you and your message and I am honoured beyond words to write this little foreword for you.
All love,
Claudia Carroll, May 2019, bestselling author and actress
“This is a book that has found it’s time as people are reaching out for ways to become truly connected in this digital age. Karen’s concept of becoming dis-engaged from one’s smartphone seems at first sight rather drastic and yet Karen has set forth undaunted to test-drive this new lifestyle choice and shares her well observed findings and experiences with humour, honesty and most importantly heart. Being happy and having good mental health is a fundamental right of every young person and I hope that this book will prove an inspiration to many who want to make a positive change to their world.”
“Karen Kestrel has her finger on the pulse of an epidemic that we are just barely starting to feel the effects from. If you are ready to liberate from the social conditioning that suggests that you have to risk your health, vitality, and relationships in order to be connected, Karen’s Off the Hook is a must read. And be careful, you might be entertained along the way with her quick wit and amazing humor. ”
“The message in the book spoke to my heart and moved me to tears. Karen Kestrel has inspired me to reconnect with my true self and helped me disconnect from the mental chatter! Off the Hook is the go-to book.”
SPECIAL THANKS to the incredible broadcasters who are courageous and willing to open up the important conversations in life. With specific thanks to these radio legends:
“Wow!..oh, it’s just so hard to go motorhead and take all mobiles out - it’s so difficult isn’t it? But maybe, that’s the answer.”
This was Jeremy’s reaction and reflection after Karen called into The Jeremy Vine Show on Radio 2 on his phone-in about Screen Time and discussing the possible effect that social media has on students. Karen talked through the differences she’s experienced living without a mobile phone for a year and how we are the primary role models for our children.
“...I predict that not having a mobile is going to be the new luxury, like the equivalent of having a double garage used to be..”